♥ DATUM: 2014-01-04 / ♥ TID: 17:23:22
♥KATEGORI: Hart of Dixie, Jag älskar/hatar, Once Upon a Time, One Tree Hill, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Under the Dome
Mina 10 största ships.

1. Nathan & Haley (Naley), One Tree Hill
2. Klaus & Caroline (Klaroline), The Vampire Diaries
3. Stefan & Elena (Stelena), The Vampire Diaries
4. Hook & Emma (Captain Swan), Once Upon a Time
5. Francis & Mary (Frary), Reign
6. Chuck & Blair (Chair), Gossip Girl
7. Barbie & Julia (Jarbie), Under the Dome (läs OTP här)
8. Seth & Summer (Sethummer), The OC
9. Wade & Zoe (Zade), Hart of Dixie
10. Max & Liz (Dreamers), Roswell (läs OTP här)