"She's the only thing in colour." ♥

"So here's the speech. The zombie thing is a bitch. Your world shrivels down to a dot. You know this and... All you can think about is how to get your next meal and keeping your secret. And... No one can really... Know you. Now. Kissing, touching, sex, love, yelling at someone for stealing the blankets. Um, out of the question. Forever. But then one day I see this... Beautiful woman. She's the only thing in colour. Odd 'cause she's so pale. And then suddenly there's hope again. That's all I'm saying. Who knows if we'll even like each other. But I like everything I've seen so far, and, um... What have we got to lose?"
Your favorite CS quote/line

Som alltid har jag så många, många favoriter! Men det är ändå en som sticker ut extra för mig och det kommer alltid att vara från finalen av säsong 3 och det är "You traded your ship for me?" Det är det mesta romantiska och den finaste scenen ever! "When I win your heart, Emma, and I will win it, it will not be because of any trickery. It will be because you want me" är ett starkt nummer två och sen är det flera till som tex "I can't lose you too" och "Come back to me"! ;)
"You'd make a hell of a pirate."
"When I jab you with my sword, you'll feel it."
"I'm always a gentleman."
Emma: "Don't think I'm taking my eyes off you for a second."
Killian: "I would despair if you did."
Killian: "I would despair if you did."
"You're a bloody hero, Swan."
"If it can be broken, it means it still works."
"One of these days, I’m gonna stop chasing this woman."
"You and I, we understand each other."
"As you wish." (bara ni som sett The Princess Bride förstår!)
Emma: "Please, you couldn't handle it."
Killian: "Perhaps, you're the one who couldn't handle it."
Killian: "Perhaps, you're the one who couldn't handle it."
"Hey, beautiful."
"Try something new, darling. It’s called trust."
"I just wanted to be a better man for you, Swan. But I failed. And now because of it I might lose you. I'm sorry. But I hope you never forgive me because that means you'll get these in time to save yourself. Goodbye."
"I know how you kiss. I'd have gone for her."
"I'll die fighting before I let you use that bloody hat on Emma."
Emma: "Easy, tiger. We've got company. I didn't know you were such a fan of my magic."
Killian: "Why would you say it? I'm a fan of every part of you."
Killian: "Why would you say it? I'm a fan of every part of you."
"It’s okay, Swan. Not everybody get’s to see there parents fall in love for the first time."
"I swear on Emma Swan."
Killian: "I once felt as you did, mate. All it took was meeting the right person and everything changed."
Charming: "Princess Leia?" (Emma)
Killian: "Aye, I'd go to the end of the world for her. Or time."
Charming: "Princess Leia?" (Emma)
Killian: "Aye, I'd go to the end of the world for her. Or time."
"Killian, I'm not a tearful goodbye kiss person. But maybe just this once."
"With Emma running into danger? Not a chance in hell."
Killian: "There's not a day will go by that I won't think of you."
Emma: "Good."
Emma: "Good."
"If you look at me any harder you're gonna drill a hole in my head."
Killian: "Just who are you, Swan?"
Emma: "Wouldn’t you like to know."
Killian: "Perhaps I would."
Emma: "Wouldn’t you like to know."
Killian: "Perhaps I would."
Emma: "I thought you didn’t care about anyone but yourself?"
Killian: "Maybe I just needed reminding that I could."
Killian: "Maybe I just needed reminding that I could."
"Because everyone I've ever been with is dead! Neal, Graham and
even Walsh. I lost everyone. I can't lose you too."
Dag 1: The moment that made you a CS shipper
Dag 2: Your favorite Hook quote/line
Dag 3: Your favorite Emma quote/line
Dag 4: Your favorite CS quote/line
Dag 5: A CS moment that made you smile
Dag 6: A CS moment that melt your heart
Dag 7: A CS moment that breaks your heart
Dag 8: Favorite CS episode
Dag 9: Favorite Hook moment
Dag 10: Favorite Emma moment
Dag 11: Favorite CS moment
Dag 12: Favorite CS video
Dag 13: Favorite Hook centric
Dag 14: Favorite Emma centric
Dag 15: Your favorite CS kiss
Dag 16: Your favorite CS hug
Dag 17: Your favorite CS argument
Dag 18: Sad Hook moment
Dag 19: Sad Emma moment
Dag 20: Funny Hook moments
Dag 21: Funny Emma moments
Dag 22: Sassy Hook / Sassy Emma
Dag 23: Favorite parallel (Snowing etc)
Dag 24: Favorite brotp for Hook
Dag 25: Favorite brotp for Emma
Dag 26: Favorite Colifer moment
Dag 27: A list with your TOP 5 CS moments
Dag 28: How do you see Captain Swan in the future?
Dag 2: Your favorite Hook quote/line
Dag 3: Your favorite Emma quote/line
Dag 4: Your favorite CS quote/line
Dag 5: A CS moment that made you smile
Dag 6: A CS moment that melt your heart
Dag 7: A CS moment that breaks your heart
Dag 8: Favorite CS episode
Dag 9: Favorite Hook moment
Dag 10: Favorite Emma moment
Dag 11: Favorite CS moment
Dag 12: Favorite CS video
Dag 13: Favorite Hook centric
Dag 14: Favorite Emma centric
Dag 15: Your favorite CS kiss
Dag 16: Your favorite CS hug
Dag 17: Your favorite CS argument
Dag 18: Sad Hook moment
Dag 19: Sad Emma moment
Dag 20: Funny Hook moments
Dag 21: Funny Emma moments
Dag 22: Sassy Hook / Sassy Emma
Dag 23: Favorite parallel (Snowing etc)
Dag 24: Favorite brotp for Hook
Dag 25: Favorite brotp for Emma
Dag 26: Favorite Colifer moment
Dag 27: A list with your TOP 5 CS moments
Dag 28: How do you see Captain Swan in the future?
Your favorite Emma quote/line.

Precis som Killian, har Emma så många quotes också som jag älskar! Det första jag tänkte på var "Not having a happy ending is painful enough, but... giving someone unrealistic hope is far worse." från 1x03. Jag gillar verkligen det, så det får bli det. Här bjuder jag på flera till ;)
"After 28 years, isn't this what we've all been waiting for, to be together under the same roof?"
"Really? Why couldn't it be called something like Sunshine Valley or Rainbow Cove?"
"You don't have a home until you just miss it."
"You did it for everyone, because that's who you are - leaders, heroes, princes and princesses, and that's great and-and amazing and... wonderful, but... it doesn't change the fact that for *my* entire life... I've been alone."
"You're mistaking me for my mother. Besides you don't need a speech, you need a drinking buddy. Shots?"
"Regina kept a whole dragon under there for 28 years I'm sure you can fit a small princess too."
"I almost married a monster from Oz. It's hilarious."
"You and I, we're not family. I have one of those and it spans three generations and 400 years."
"Elvish? No, I didn't even see Lord of the Rings."
"You're saying that I am responsible for everyone's happiness? That is crap! I didn't ask for that! I don't want it!"
"Frozen in time? Stuck in Storybrooke, Maine? That's what you're going with?"
"Just because you believe something doesn't make it true."
"People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say, "No, this is who I am". You want people to look at you differently? Make them! You want to change things, you're gonna have to go out there and change them yourself, because there are no fairy godmothers in this world."
"Two earthquakes and a jump from a beanstalk. I think my brain's still rattling around a little."
"I made you a promise I intend to keep. Everyone deserves their happy ending."
Dag 1: The moment that made you a CS shipper
Dag 2: Your favorite Hook quote/line
Dag 3: Your favorite Emma quote/line
Dag 4: Your favorite CS quote/line
Dag 5: A CS moment that made you smile
Dag 6: A CS moment that melt your heart
Dag 7: A CS moment that breaks your heart
Dag 8: Favorite CS episode
Dag 9: Favorite Hook moment
Dag 10: Favorite Emma moment
Dag 11: Favorite CS moment
Dag 12: Favorite CS video
Dag 13: Favorite Hook centric
Dag 14: Favorite Emma centric
Dag 15: Your favorite CS kiss
Dag 16: Your favorite CS hug
Dag 17: Your favorite CS argument
Dag 18: Sad Hook moment
Dag 19: Sad Emma moment
Dag 20: Funny Hook moments
Dag 21: Funny Emma moments
Dag 22: Sassy Hook / Sassy Emma
Dag 23: Favorite parallel (Snowing etc)
Dag 24: Favorite brotp for Hook
Dag 25: Favorite brotp for Emma
Dag 26: Favorite Colifer moment
Dag 27: A list with your TOP 5 CS moments
Dag 28: How do you see Captain Swan in the future?
Dag 2: Your favorite Hook quote/line
Dag 3: Your favorite Emma quote/line
Dag 4: Your favorite CS quote/line
Dag 5: A CS moment that made you smile
Dag 6: A CS moment that melt your heart
Dag 7: A CS moment that breaks your heart
Dag 8: Favorite CS episode
Dag 9: Favorite Hook moment
Dag 10: Favorite Emma moment
Dag 11: Favorite CS moment
Dag 12: Favorite CS video
Dag 13: Favorite Hook centric
Dag 14: Favorite Emma centric
Dag 15: Your favorite CS kiss
Dag 16: Your favorite CS hug
Dag 17: Your favorite CS argument
Dag 18: Sad Hook moment
Dag 19: Sad Emma moment
Dag 20: Funny Hook moments
Dag 21: Funny Emma moments
Dag 22: Sassy Hook / Sassy Emma
Dag 23: Favorite parallel (Snowing etc)
Dag 24: Favorite brotp for Hook
Dag 25: Favorite brotp for Emma
Dag 26: Favorite Colifer moment
Dag 27: A list with your TOP 5 CS moments
Dag 28: How do you see Captain Swan in the future?
"I just want you." ♥

"(signs) I've never been comfortable around hearing people. I haven't been around them much. But, with you, it was different. From the beginning, you weren't hearing or deaf. You were just Bay. The truth is, it would be easier if I could just go find a deaf Bay. But I don't want a deaf Bay. (speaks) I just want you."
"Look at me, Joey." ♥

"The only reason that you don’t have answers is because you’ve been too scared to ask yourself the right questions. Look, I know how I feel, you know how I feel. But during this whole process, we’ve managed to miss the point, because the point is not how I feel. It’s how you feel. I can't keep on kissing you. All right? I've done it twice now, I can't be the one that's always initiating this. I can't be the one who's always giving you the answers. Look at me, Joey. Please. If you felt... Even one shred... Of what I feel for you, then we wouldn't be standing here having this conversation."
Your favorite Jarbie quote.

Jag har så många, många favoritcitat! Men det får bli här, bilden ovanför, ett citat från en av Jarbie bästa scener nånsin! De är bara så så så otroligt fina tillsammans att man finner inga ord! Nu avslutar jag med lite bonus, flera favoritcitat ;)
"I'm not your story."
"Then why don't you show me what is."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"But everything we've done for this town, we've done together."
"It's gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay."
"You're not leaving me. Not for good."
"Come back for me! I came back for you, come back for me now! Come on!"
"How was the couch?"
"So was the bed."
"We met because of the Dome and we never really talked about you and me... out in the world."
"Julia. Hey. I want you in my life whether we end up in Zenith or... Wherever. That's a promise that I can keep."
"I thought you were dead."
"C'mon, you're not gonna get rid of me that easy."
"Julia, hang in there. Whenever you get scared just remember the first time we kissed. At the Dome by Joe's house, at sunset... Stars coming out. I can't wait to hold you there again. Love, Your Stray."
Dag 1: The moment that made you a Jarbie shipper
Dag 2: Your favorite Barbie quote
Dag 3: Your favorite Julia quote
Dag 4: Your favorite Jarbie quote
Dag 5: Song that describes their relationship
Dag 6: A moment that made you want to hit Barbie
Dag 7: A moment that made you want to hit Julia
Dag 8: Favorite Jarbie episode
Dag 9: Favorite Barbie moment
Dag 10: Favorite Julia moment
Dag 11: Favorite Jarbie moment
Dag 12: Favorite Jarbie video
Dag 13: Favorite Jarbie funny scene
Dag 14: Favorite Barbie facial expression
Dag 15: Favorite Julia facial expression
Dag 16: Your favorite Jarbie eye sex scene
Dag 17: Your favorite Jarbie kiss scene
Dag 18: Your favorite Jarbie argument
Dag 19: Your favorite Jarbie hug
Dag 20: How do you see Jarbie in the future?
Dag 21: A Barbie moment that made you cry
Dag 22: A Julia moment that made you cry
Dag 23: A Jarbie moment that made you cry
Dag 24: Your favorite Jarbie screen cap
Dag 25: Favorite friendship between Barbie and another character
Dag 26: Favorite friendship between Julia and another character
Dag 27: Favorite Jarbie dance
Dag 28: Favorite Mike and Rachelle pic
Dag 29: Favorite Jarbie season
Dag 30: A list with your TOP 5 Jarbie moments
Your favorite Julia quote.

Precis som med Barbie, är det här svårt också! Jag får välja ett citat från en av Julias bästa scener i säsongsfinalen, men inga gifs. För att denna scenen är för bra för att spoilas ;)
"Do you know why the dome didn't bring [***] back? Because you're a joke, cause the dome doesn't make
deals with insects like you. Even your [***] knew you were meaningless."
Dag 1: The moment that made you a Jarbie shipper
Dag 2: Your favorite Barbie quote
Dag 3: Your favorite Julia quote
Dag 4: Your favorite Jarbie quote
Dag 5: Song that describes their relationship
Dag 6: A moment that made you want to hit Barbie
Dag 7: A moment that made you want to hit Julia
Dag 8: Favorite Jarbie episode
Dag 9: Favorite Barbie moment
Dag 10: Favorite Julia moment
Dag 11: Favorite Jarbie moment
Dag 12: Favorite Jarbie video
Dag 13: Favorite Jarbie funny scene
Dag 14: Favorite Barbie facial expression
Dag 15: Favorite Julia facial expression
Dag 16: Your favorite Jarbie eye sex scene
Dag 17: Your favorite Jarbie kiss scene
Dag 18: Your favorite Jarbie argument
Dag 19: Your favorite Jarbie hug
Dag 20: How do you see Jarbie in the future?
Dag 21: A Barbie moment that made you cry
Dag 22: A Julia moment that made you cry
Dag 23: A Jarbie moment that made you cry
Dag 24: Your favorite Jarbie screen cap
Dag 25: Favorite friendship between Barbie and another character
Dag 26: Favorite friendship between Julia and another character
Dag 27: Favorite Jarbie dance
Dag 28: Favorite Mike and Rachelle pic
Dag 29: Favorite Jarbie season
Dag 30: A list with your TOP 5 Jarbie moments
Your favorite Barbie quote.

Oj, det här är rätt svårt. Barbie har ju så många bra quotes att det är nästan svårt att bara välja ett. Men det får bli den här scenen med Big Jim och Barbie från 1x12. "You may think that you're some kind of god to these people... But I think we both know what you really are." "What's that? A criminal?" "Worst. A politician." Jag skrattade när Barbie sa det där sista med sitt sarkastiska ansikte. Haha, jag älskar Barbie, han är underbar! Jag avslutar inlägget med lite bonus, flera favoritquotes av honom.
"If he comes near you again, I'll kill him."
"Come on, you never picked up on his hero complex?"
"I am gonna do whatever I have to do to make sure that I knock you off of your throne!"
Joe: "What if the government built this thing?"
Barbie: "I doubt it."
Joe: "Why?"
Barbie: "Because it works."
"I hate Big Jim as much as you do. But taking another man's life, I know how much that costs."
"Every time I've given you the benefit of the doubt, it bites me in the ass. I'm not gonna cross Julia. And if you try to, I'm not gonna be as forgiving as she is."
"Come on, you never picked up on his hero complex?"
"I am gonna do whatever I have to do to make sure that I knock you off of your throne!"
Joe: "What if the government built this thing?"
Barbie: "I doubt it."
Joe: "Why?"
Barbie: "Because it works."
"I hate Big Jim as much as you do. But taking another man's life, I know how much that costs."
"Every time I've given you the benefit of the doubt, it bites me in the ass. I'm not gonna cross Julia. And if you try to, I'm not gonna be as forgiving as she is."
Dag 1: The moment that made you a Jarbie shipper
Dag 2: Your favorite Barbie quote
Dag 3: Your favorite Julia quote
Dag 4: Your favorite Jarbie quote
Dag 5: Song that describes their relationship
Dag 6: A moment that made you want to hit Barbie
Dag 7: A moment that made you want to hit Julia
Dag 8: Favorite Jarbie episode
Dag 9: Favorite Barbie moment
Dag 10: Favorite Julia moment
Dag 11: Favorite Jarbie moment
Dag 12: Favorite Jarbie video
Dag 13: Favorite Jarbie funny scene
Dag 14: Favorite Barbie facial expression
Dag 15: Favorite Julia facial expression
Dag 16: Your favorite Jarbie eye sex scene
Dag 17: Your favorite Jarbie kiss scene
Dag 18: Your favorite Jarbie argument
Dag 19: Your favorite Jarbie hug
Dag 20: How do you see Jarbie in the future?
Dag 21: A Barbie moment that made you cry
Dag 22: A Julia moment that made you cry
Dag 23: A Jarbie moment that made you cry
Dag 24: Your favorite Jarbie screen cap
Dag 25: Favorite friendship between Barbie and another character
Dag 26: Favorite friendship between Julia and another character
Dag 27: Favorite Jarbie dance
Dag 28: Favorite Mike and Rachelle pic
Dag 29: Favorite Jarbie season
Dag 30: A list with your TOP 5 Jarbie moments
Citat #44.

- Under the Dome, säsong 2 avsnitt 8
"I want you in my life..." ♥

Hey. Are you having second thoughts? Not about leaving. No. About what? We met because of the Dome and we never really talked about you and me...out in the world. Julia. Hey. I want you in my life, whether we end up in Zenith or wherever. That's a promise that I can keep. Good. ♥
"You came back!" ♥

Oh my god! Julia? Julia? You came back! I did. I'm gonna get everybody out. What happened? How are you here? ♥
Dean & Colette ♥

"You wanna know why I never told my parents that I broke up with Bridget? Well, for the same reason that I never brought her up here to meet them. Just, something about her that wasn’t real. But after two weeks, I brought you… This is real.” - Dean
So adorable ♥

How has your characters' chemistry evolved? [x]
Cleary, there's nobody else for Julia. Any other characters that they tried to create tension with. Eddie Cahill... All that is designed to highlight the fact that nothing works but this. That's right. As we found out, people can't hold a candle to Barbie. *Rachelle skrattar* What? I mean, let's be honest.
Richard & Kahlan ♥

"Tell him that his own Confessor never stopped loving him. And that if he can't undo the magic, if he
can't return to her, then she'll be waiting for him in the underworld. Forever."
Best bromance ♥

"Dylan is my best bud on set. Dylan and I have been through a lot together and have gotten in trouble a butt load of times. One time when we were living together we left the set during lunch time to eat at our house and we fell asleep and production had to call us to wake us up!" - Tyler Posey
"Even if neither of us had gotten the part on Teen Wolf, we'd already exchanged numbers, ready to hang out. I still have flashbacks to Tyler and I reading with each other for screen tests to practice and he'd be like 'Dude, what if we got this thing?' and I'd like 'Dude, that'd be so cool, it'd be insane!' and then it happened, which is really weird! It's been crazy, but it's been really cool, and he's become a good friend of mine, too, which is great - I didn't even ask for that. Best friends on TV and in real life." - Dylan o'Brien
Stalia ♥

Vad är det med alla färgpennor, hursomhelst? Grön är för saker som jag förstår. Gul är för "jag jobbar på det". Och röd betyder att jag har ingen aning. Jag använder mest röd. *Stiles kysser Malia* Plugga först, minns du? ♥
I'm just falling in love with them more and more! De är så otroligt söta ihop! Så glad att Stiles äntligen har en flickvän. Jag älskar hur Stiles tittar på Malia efter att hon förklarade vad färgpennorna betyder. Stiles använder ju exakt samma färgkoder. Att de rätt är lika är bara underbart och så gulligt. Jag förstår verkligen inte varför många har nåt emot dem tillsammans eller Malia? De är ju så gulliga tillsammans och hon är ju en härlig tjej :')
Citat #43.
"Okej", viskade jag, omtöcknad av en kvardröjande känsla av svindel. "Då... så."
Han log, men det var ett osäkert leende. "Då så? Är det allt?"
Jag vände upp blicken mot honom. Jag kunde inte se på honom på samma sätt längre och jag märkte att jag hade börjat gråta. "Du slöt ett avtal med HHank. Du räddade mitt liv. Varför gjorde du det?"
"Min ängel", mumlade han och tog mitt ansikte mellan sina händer. "Jag tror inte du förstår hur långt jag skulle gå för att behålla dig här hos mig."
- boken, Noras val.
Citat #42.
"Vad mer? Hon är så vacker. Man tröttnar inte på att se på henne. Man oroar sig aldrig för att hon ska vara smartare än man själv; man vet att hon är det. Hon är rolig utan att någonsin vara elak. Jag älskar henne. Jag har tur som får älska henne, Van Houten. Man kan inte välja om man ska bli sårad i den här världen, gamle vän, men man kan i viss mån välja vem som sårar en. Jag är glad över mina val. Jag hoppas att hon är glada över sina."
- Augustus, boken Förr eller senare exploderar jag.
Citat #41.
"Åh, det skulle inte göra något, Hazel Grace. Det skulle vara ett privilegium att få hjärtat krossat av dig."
- Augustus till Hazel, boken Förr eller senare exploderar jag.
♥ DATUM: 2014-06-01 / ♥ TID: 03:23:00
Citat #40.

"I don’t want to be Angelina Jolie. Not that Angelina Jolie is not the most talented, beautiful, successful, amazing, admirable person who does good things for the world, but I don’t want to be a movie star like that."
- Kristen Stewart