♥ DATUM: 2014-09-25 / ♥ TID: 16:14:00
♥KATEGORI: Once Upon a Time, Serienyheter
OUAT season 4 spoilers.
Captain Swan spoilers
Diane: "Very cool. And we’ve also heard that Emma and Hook will go on their first date! And that Charming will be a rather protective dad. Any comments on that?"
Adam: "They will NOT be going to Granny’s."
Eddy: "Yeah, this is a real, proper date!"
Diane: "And for Charming, will this be a funny moment, or just tense..."
Adam: "It will hopefully be an endearing moment."
Adam: "They will NOT be going to Granny’s."
Eddy: "Yeah, this is a real, proper date!"
Diane: "And for Charming, will this be a funny moment, or just tense..."
Adam: "It will hopefully be an endearing moment."
Dialoger spoilers
"When have we ever been traditional?"
"Want to go home and see what's on Netflix?"
"I can probably tell you if you're wearing too much eye makeup."
"I’ve all the time in the world, unless, another monster appears and kills me."
How does Hook adapt to modern clothes?
In the premiere, the pirate will shed his leather coat for more contemporary clothing — a change O'Donoghue was particularly excited about. "It was nice because I've been wearing a 50-pound leather jacket [for two seasons]. It gets pretty hot," he says. Hook's new look, which O'Donoghue likens to "a '70s rockstar," still maintains "an element of who he is, even though he's trying to fit into this world. It's his idea of what it would be like."
In the premiere, the pirate will shed his leather coat for more contemporary clothing — a change O'Donoghue was particularly excited about. "It was nice because I've been wearing a 50-pound leather jacket [for two seasons]. It gets pretty hot," he says. Hook's new look, which O'Donoghue likens to "a '70s rockstar," still maintains "an element of who he is, even though he's trying to fit into this world. It's his idea of what it would be like."
Några andra spoilers
We all remember how Rumple tricked Belle with the fake dagger and started their marriage on a lie…he feels super guilty about that and wants to make amends. He makes a bold promise to someone…but can he keep it?
Speaking of vows…Robin’s are on his mind. He’s a little (or a lot) shell shocked by the return of his no longer dead wife and that leads to a heart to heart chat. But is his decision truly final?
Regina calls upon Sidney for the first time since season one and even though we are huge (HUGE) Regina fans, we have to admit we were side eyeing some of his reactions to his queen’s wishes…do they have Stockholm Syndrome in Storybrooke?
Emma and Hook spend quality time chasing down a snow monster, but Hook takes several opportunities to remind Emma that she needs to remember to live her life in between crises. What’s holding her back?
By our count, there are seven mysteries set up in the premiere. We’re not going to list them, but here are singular word hints: journal, past, house, Disney, issue, book and necklace (and if you’re anything like us, you’re going to pay a visit to Wiki at least once).
Parallels are another thing we always love to find in this show. There’s a big one in this episode between what happens to Elsa, Anna and Kristoff and what happens to Regina, Emma and Hook (and look for nods to the movie scattered throughout Storybrooke!).
Other great moments to watch for: an iconic dance complete with the perfect song, a kiss, a change of heart, a lot of running, a parallel to season three (the second half), possible second thoughts and at least two moments that made us want to curl into a ball and sob uncontrollably.
Postat av: En serieblogg
Micaela Sundberg