Your favorite Jarbie quote.

Jag har så många, många favoritcitat! Men det får bli här, bilden ovanför, ett citat från en av Jarbie bästa scener nånsin! De är bara så så så otroligt fina tillsammans att man finner inga ord! Nu avslutar jag med lite bonus, flera favoritcitat ;)
"I'm not your story."
"Then why don't you show me what is."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"But everything we've done for this town, we've done together."
"It's gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay."
"You're not leaving me. Not for good."
"Come back for me! I came back for you, come back for me now! Come on!"
"How was the couch?"
"So was the bed."
"We met because of the Dome and we never really talked about you and me... out in the world."
"Julia. Hey. I want you in my life whether we end up in Zenith or... Wherever. That's a promise that I can keep."
"I thought you were dead."
"C'mon, you're not gonna get rid of me that easy."
"Julia, hang in there. Whenever you get scared just remember the first time we kissed. At the Dome by Joe's house, at sunset... Stars coming out. I can't wait to hold you there again. Love, Your Stray."
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