Best bromance ♥

"Dylan is my best bud on set. Dylan and I have been through a lot together and have gotten in trouble a butt load of times. One time when we were living together we left the set during lunch time to eat at our house and we fell asleep and production had to call us to wake us up!" - Tyler Posey
"Even if neither of us had gotten the part on Teen Wolf, we'd already exchanged numbers, ready to hang out. I still have flashbacks to Tyler and I reading with each other for screen tests to practice and he'd be like 'Dude, what if we got this thing?' and I'd like 'Dude, that'd be so cool, it'd be insane!' and then it happened, which is really weird! It's been crazy, but it's been really cool, and he's become a good friend of mine, too, which is great - I didn't even ask for that. Best friends on TV and in real life." - Dylan o'Brien