♥ DATUM: 2013-10-17 / ♥ TID: 23:40:00
♥KATEGORI: Once Upon a Time, Serienyheter
Captain Swan is happening! ♥

Oh my god! Jag är såååå glad! Jag blev så jätteglad när jag såg bilden som Beatrice skickade på Facebook. Oh my god, de tar seriöst andan ur mig på samma sätt som Klaroline gör och alltid har gjort! Ååååh, jag flippar ut okej?! Captain Swan is finally happening, bitches! ♥
"There’s a clear distinction between the ‘Captain Hook’ character and the man Killian Jones, and it’s definitely Killian who will be sharing a tender yet passionate moment with Emma – not ‘Captain Hook’ (…) It will be very interesting to see how Emma and Killian will move on from that kiss, which will undoubtedly mean so much for the two of them. Emma may want to keep focusing on saving Henry before moving forward with their relationship, but at least she’ll know that she is indeed very much loved."
Jag längtar som en galning!!!!
Micaela Sundberg