"I know that you're in love with me." ♥
How could you do this to him? To his mom, to me? I'm a thousand years old, call it boredom. I don't believe you. Fine. Then maybe it's because I'm pure evil and I can't help myself. No, it's because you're hurt which means there is a part of you that's human. How could you possibly think that? Because I've seen it, because I've caugh myself wishing that I could forget all the horrible things that you've done. But you can't, can you? I know that you're in love with me. And anybody capable of love is capable of being saved. You're hallucinating. I guess I'll never know. Caroline? Caroline...
OMG, så vacker scen från 4x13! Min största favoritscen med Klaroline nu! ♥
Postat av: Petra Marie Söderberg
Vilken avsnitt äre?!
Micaela Sundberg