DATUM: 2015-03-01 / TID: 19:29:00
KATEGORI: Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time 4B spoilers.

Det har varit en riktigt bra vecka för oss Oncers! Det kom en massa saftiga spoilers om vad vi har att vänta oss i 4B och i de två första avsnitten (4x12 och 4x13)! Kan ni fatta att serien äntligen är tillbaka idag, imorgon för oss, efter tre jobbiga månaders uppehåll? De här spoilers (en MASSA) är de som jag mest är excited för! Jag har också skrivit mina tankar under några av dessa spoilers. Och läs absolut inte om ni avskyr spoilers för det är en massa här! Så kom inte och säg att jag inte har varnat er ;)
Where does the premiere pick up?
ADAM HOROWITZ: We’re picking up a few months after the events of the winter finale. We’re going to be seeing how everything has settled in Storybrooke and maybe a little how it settled outside Storybrooke.
EDWARD KITSIS: We’re going to find out how Gold has taken his banishment. We’re going to find out in the flashback how he met and recruited these Queens of Darkness, this team of evil. All of it is going to lead to a couple of surprising revelations about Emma and a very dark secret that Snow and Charming have held onto that we didn’t realize they were keeping secret.
MINA TANKAR: Undra vad för mörk hemlighet har de om Emma!? Vad spännande!

Are the dark secret and the revelation about Emma connected?
KITSIS: Absolutely.
HOROWITZ: The stuff that we’re planning to reveal comes out of stuff that we’ve already done. It’s building off the mythology we’re already created as opposed to going somewhere completely left field.
KITSIS: There are revelations you can have about people that they themselves don’t even know about. This pre-dates Emma’s birth.

Can you talk about how you’ll be putting the focus back on the original characters?
HOROWITZ: As far as focusing on our core cast in the upcoming storytelling, it isn’t so much about the outside forces coming into our world, but about how these outside forces impact our core characters and what it’s going to do to them and their relationships.
KITSIS: We’re going to really explore what makes a hero and what makes a villain. Is it as black and white as just that? Or are there gray areas, which are always much more fun to write about. We’re going to pick up on a lot of things that we set up in the first half of the season. Regina and Robin, Rumple and Belle. We’re going to get more Snow and Charming. We’re going to get more Emma and Hook.

What can you say about this insinuation that Emma could go evil?
HOROWITZ: One of the big themes for the second half of the season is what makes someone a hero and what makes someone a villain, what the differences are and what the common ground is. Emma has spent a long time in the series being told she’s the Savior and being told she’s a hero. She’s going to have to face that it’s not as black and white as that. Going into the second half of the season, all of our characters are going to be wrestling with this idea of good and evil, not just in terms of what they’re facing as an external threat, but internally within themselves.
MINA TANKAR: Jag gillar faktiskt tanken! Spännande det ska bli att kanske få se Emma som "ond". Det kan ge mer karakärsutveckling. Så jag är excited för detta. Nu fattar jag ju också vad som menas med "Hook will protect Emma's heart in 4B" som kom för nån månad sedan!

Speaking of Robin Hood, he left Storybrooke. Are there other characters that might venture out of town despite the fact that they can’t come back?
HOROWITZ: There may be some exits and entrances. You’ll see some characters arriving in Storybrooke and you’ll see some characters departing as well. We think it’s fun to venture outside the confines of Storybrooke and see some of our characters in the real world.
KITSIS: We are absolutely going to be showing an entire episode of Robin Hood in New York City.
MINA TANKAR: Jag är excited att se vad som händer med Robin i New York. Spännande!

What’s next for Robin Hood and Regina as she’s likely faced with being tempted by the Queens of Darkness?
KITSIS: Regina has really shown a lot of discipline this year by not killing Marian and doing the right thing. There’s a lot of her that feels like, “Why am I continually doing good things when I’m not getting good results?” As far Regina and Robin Hood goes, that and what happens is what happens is one of our favorite parts of the second half.

We’ve been waiting all season to find out why Will Scarlett (Michael Socha) is in town. Will we finally find out?
HOROWITZ: We’re going to see more of Will, we’re going to see more of his background and see some of his time in the past. As we know, he was one of the Merry Men, so we’ll see some of his interaction with Robin Hood.
KITSIS: We’re going to see how those two actually met. We saw them together and saw how her joined the Merry Men, but for the people who watched that Wonderland episode, you’ll see that wasn’t the very first time they met. We’re going to dive fully into why he’s there. We’re definitely going to see more of Will in this back half.
MINA TANKAR: Yey! Äntligen! För jag har undrat länge vad Will gör egentligen i Storybrooke. Vad hände med Ana egentligen, varför är de inte tillsammans? Och en massa mer!

Will we also get to see more of Hook’s backstory?
KITSIS: We’re going to see a Hook backstory, absolutely. We’re going to see him at his most pirate-y.
MINA TANKAR: Som alltid älskar jag att se Killians backstory! Ser faktiskt fram emot att se honom i hans piratdagar igen, det var ju ett tag sedan ;)

Can you talk about Hook and Belle working together?
KITSIS: What’s interesting is Hook actually shot her in season 2. He used her as a pawn to get back his revenge for Mr. Gold, but now they both find themselves on similar ground, which is they both feel betrayed by Rumplestiltskin. He literally had both their hearts. Hook feels a lot of shame and guilt for getting rid of the fairies. Belle feels upset because she was deceived. We’re going to see them work together to try to repair some of the damage done.
MINA TANKAR: Vad spännande! En möjligen Hookelle vänskap? JA TACK! Det ser jag fram emot :D

What’s next for Emma and Hook’s relationship?
KITSIS: What we’re trying to do is just show a relationship, a real one, even though it’s between Captain Hook and the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. What we’re going to do is we’re going to see them grow and we’re going to see them get tested. Like all things, sometimes things get in the way of just purely your relationship; sometimes life gets in the way of it.
MINA TANKAR: Yey! Captain Swan forever! ;)
Spoilers om 4x12-4x13
1. Forbidden New Flashbacks: Right away fans will be transported back to the "forbidden fortress" to learn exactly how our beloved Queens of Darkness came together. (And if you're thinking Rumple might have hand a hand in this sinister sisterhood, then your assumptions are completely correct.) Plus, get ready to see just how persuasive Cruella De Vil can really be.
MINA TANKAR: Jag ser verkligen fram emot att se Cruella De Vil! Hon är en av mina favoritskurkar på Disney!

2. So Many CaptainSwan Kisses: Get ready Emma and Hook lovers because you will be beyond pleased with the amount of PDA packed into Sunday's premiere! Their looks of adoration will give you butterflies, and the opening credits are still rolling when you're treated to your first CaptainSwan kiss with coffee. It's clear that the past six weeks have been filled with many romantic moments.
MINA TANKAR: Ni anar inte hur excited jag är! Jag har saknat dem så mycket! Så skönt att få se dem igen efter det långa uppehållet! :D

3. Even Heroes Have Wicked Secrets: Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves because the Charmings are holding onto one of the darkest secrets we have ever seen on this series. Of course, we cannot spill exactly what our Charming couple is hiding, but take comfort in the fact that their dark secret means you'll be getting the more Snowing screen-time in these first two episode than we have in all of season four.
MINA TANKAR: Spännande! Jag ser fram emot detta!

4. Ladies Who Lunch: Sunday's all-new hour is jam-packed with amazing scenes, hilarious lines, and character twists, but our favorite interactions are definitely between Emma and Regina. (And trust us, there are a lot of them!) In one touching scene, Regina opens up about her relationship with Robin Hood and it's clear that Emma is hell-bent on getting her friend a happy ending. (And also a new bottle opener.)

5. Love is a Weapon: Those exact four words come to you courtesy of our new favorite Storybrooke friendship: Belle and Hook. Now before you start steering their 'ship, (We're calling them Hookelle, by the way,) keep in mind that this relationship is completely platonic. Belle still thinks about Rumple all the time, and often replays what she could've done differently in her mind. Perhaps her next relationship won't leave her wondering any more…
MINA TANKAR: Som jag redan har sagt; jag är så excited för denna Hookelle vänskapen! Jag ser fram emot det! ;)

6. Getting to the Heart of the Matter: If you're an obsessed Once fan, (like us), then you know that a character's heart is very powerful part of their character. So when a new demon is unleashed whose sole purpose is to hunt down the heart with the darkest potential, let's just say it might not go after the usual Stroybrooke suspects. Sometimes the purest heart is the most susceptible to darkness.

Frågor om 4x12-4x13 på Twitter
1. @MariaPazMS: What's the dynamic like between the Queens of Darkness? Do they clash much?
Take a look at our sneak peek video above to see for yourself! ETonline has snagged our fellow OUAT fans a clip from the Queens of Darkness' first meeting and their wicked banter is even more amazing then you could have ever hoped. "We just loved the idea of a team of evil and when we were saying our wish list of who we wanted to write, it was kind of these three," Kitsis spilled of the evil trifecta.

2. @celianomas: How did Regina/Gold contacted people in other city to adopt Henry in past seasons and now it seems this is not possible?
Never doubt the power of the internet, my friends -- or as Hook calls it, "that magical box" in Belle's library.
MINA TANKAR: Haha, Hooks kommentar om Internet! xD

4. @niyati_92: Do Emma and Killian have a convo about everything that occurred in 4A? Or do they have any heart-to-heart convo?
They actually have both! Their biggest and most swoon-worthy conversation happens in the sheriffs' office in episode 14. Kitsis teased that Emma is "beginning to open her heart up," and it most certainly shows. And, as we've said before, Emma and Hook have coffee in Sunday's premiere. Note: By coffee, we mean the dark-colored liquid that many drink to stay awake. As for the nookie-nickname that the Captain Swan fandom has created? All we can say is stay tuned…
MINA TANKAR: Yes! Äntligen! För även om jag älskar den sista scenen med dem i 4x11, så var jag också lite besviken att vi inte fick se hur hon hanterade med att ha nästan förlorat Killian! Så jag ser fram emot detta samtalet de kommer ha! Spännande!

6. @shawngf7: Any information on how Regina and Henry will grow and develop through Project Mongoose is appreciated. Thanks!
Over the past six weeks, Operation Mongoose has been in full swing with Regina's office as their central hub. Regina and Henry's scenes are as sweet as chocolate-frosted donuts (you'll understand in episode 14) and Horowitz also revealed that Henry is going to be a key component in Emma and Regina's blooming friendship. "There's a new common ground between [Emma and Regina] that I think will help build on that friendship," he said. "In addition to Henry they have something that they can share and deal with."

7. @skyliange: What is the 'connection' that the Charmings have with the QoD?
Let's just say that long ago in the Enchanted Forest -- before the big curse hit the land -- these heroes and villains had the same goal: protect the lives of those they love most.

8. @CapitainSwan__: I heard that Hook and Belle became good friends. Can you tell us anything more about their friendship?
We can tell you that we adore this friendship more than a basket full of newborn kittens. Seeing Hook comfort Belle in a moment of sadness -- and vice-versa -- will warm your Hookelle-loving heart. Plus, the fact that they are combining their brilliant minds to solve a puzzling case, makes us wish they had their own spin-off procedural called CSI: Storybrooke.
MINA TANKAR: Trösta varandra? Hell yes, jag ser fram emot det! Och CSI: Storybrooke? Ja tack, jag vill också ha det ;)

10. @Chloe_Queen: Please any on Emma/Snow relationship? We really didn't have much in 4A. I miss seeing Emma/Snow scenes!
Well then you might not want to hold your breath for some Storybrooke "Mommy and Me" scenes in the next two episodes. We will have more Charming Family scenes than we've had in the past, but that doesn't mean that these scenes will be truth-filled ones. (Sorry, y'all...)

13. @good_plain_jane: Do we get to see any of Hook's insecurities that Adam & Eddy were talking about? Or any clue which QOD he knows?
We're definitely getting a deeper peek at the internal struggles that Hook is battling with. "We are going to realize that he has got some things going on in his head that he is concerned about," Kitsis shared. As for which Queen of Darkness Hook shares a past with? We can't tell you who it is, but we can tell you that Emma's wave of jealousy/curiosity after seeing [Spoiler] and Hook's first encounter back together is definitely worth-watching.
MINA TANKAR: Emma, svartsjuk? Ja! Det ska bli så kul att se henne svartsjuk :D

15. @repeatlitanies: Anything new about Belle would be great! I'm hungering for more!
Not only is our book-lover still keeping the Storybrooke library in tip-top shape, she also is making a point to keep Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop up and running. She even invites a wonderful new friend to be her guest at the shop in episode 14.
MINA TANKAR: Jag gissar att det är Will. Det ryktas också att de kommer ha en romantik relation. Vad tycker jag? JA TACK! Ledsen, Rumple!

16. @Msqueenemmy: Anything OutlawQueen?
The only OutlawQueen scene is when Emma finds a very special momento of Regina's could've been/should've been love life with Robin. We don’t have much else to report other than the fact that Regina is still very much in love with her OTL. Luckily when we asked Kitsis about Regina's FFTBFF (Former Foe Turned Best Friend Forever, natch) Emma, the show-runner spilled that our savior is "absolutely" determined to find Regina's happy ending.

18. @ouat_csfan_: Can we get a quote between Hook and someone?
"Love is a weapon." -- Hook to Belle.

19. @mysunshine0808: Scoop on the Snowing secret? A hint? A breadcrumb?
Oh, we can definitely give you more than a measly bread-crumb: The Snowing secret is a two-parter. The first part -- if revealed -- will greatly affect their family dynamic. The second will drastically change the way you've always looked at this beloved couple.
Källa: 1, 2, 3
Postat av: Anonym

Hej! Jag vet inte om du redan har skrivit det i ditt inlägg, men isåfall hittar jag det inte. Jag undrade om du visste vilken tid och på vilken kanal "once upon a time" kommer att sändas.
Tack på förhand.

Svar: Nej det har jag inte skrivit, har du rätt i :) OUAT brukar sändas på kanal11 på måndagar. Men inte just nu då den fortfarande har uppehåll. Avsnitt 11 kommer nog snart. Du kan kika på seriestarter.wordpress.com då och då. Där finns alltid information om när tvserier kommer på svenska kanaler :)
Micaela Sundberg

2015-03-02 @ 18:30:33

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